
Welcome to Online Dog Training

Are you looking for quality online dog training courses? We are creating a portfolio of handpicked online dog training courses from well respected and ethical dog trainers including Di Martin, Kamal Fernandez and Lyn Bowers.

Get lifetime access and learn at your own pace. These courses uses positive ethical training methods that provide long-term results that you and your dog will be delighted with.  The courses will help you avoid common problems, and create a trust realtionship with your dog.   You will not find quick fixes (which seldom work and often coase more problems) but scientifivcally proven modern techniques that are built on a detailed understanding of how dogs learn. 

Don’t miss out and start today. 

Laptop online dog training
watching online dog training
Woman looking at computer with dog

Earn From Online Dog Training

Did you know that you can earn by linking to Online Dog Training Courses? We are building a full portfolio of Affiliate programs for online dog training courses. Check out the affiliate program for Scent Dog Training – it’s free and you can earn a passive income by just adding a few links to your website, emails and/or social media feeds.

Find out more about:

The Scent Dog Training Affiliate Program.

The Train With Marka, Ultimate Puppy Affiliate Program

The Marka Training  – Masterclass Affiliate Program

C2H Online Affiliate Program 

Scent work - dog's nose

Here's a little more about Ultimate Puppy

Di Martin with collie dog
Di Martin
puppy dog and laptop looking at online dog training courses
Kamal Fernandez with dog
Kamal Fernandez

Want to become a professional dog trainer?

The Marka Training Academy can help  – find out more about Marka 

Are you a dog breeder?

Want to get your puppies off to a great start?  Want to help their new owners get off to the best start too… check out what other dog breeders are doing  – provide your clients with a unique Ultimate Puppy Coupon and Zoom training. 

Just in case you missed the online dog training course links - here they are again